Castlefield Stock Story - Medica
As the Thoughtful Investor, Castlefield supports positive themes such as Health & Wellbeing. Here we look at Medica Group, a healthcare business specialising in teleradiology.
As the Thoughtful Investor, Castlefield supports positive themes such as Health & Wellbeing. Here we look at Medica Group, a healthcare business specialising in teleradiology.
October’s European stock story covers Swiss company Sonova, founded in 1947. Sonova is a leading provider of innovative hearing care solutions.
Cyber security tips to protect your digital accounts and stay safe online.
Alumasc, subject of this month’s UK stock story, which is a UK market leader in the type of high-quality products which greatly enhance a new building or, when retrofitted, really improve an older building.
Castlefield Co-owner Pooja Shah introduces Kiley Reid's 'Such a fun age', as part of our 'What we've been reading' series.
We're delighted to launch our Philanthropy service, helping clients give money to charity in an easier and more meaningful way.
We live in a throwaway society. From litter in the streets to useful materials ending up in landfill, we could all be less wasteful. Creating a circular economy is the way forward and Renewi PLC is playing its part.
Free Wills Month is a campaign designed to raise money for participating charities. In this blog, Lucy Conboy explains when it is, why it's important and how you can get a free will.
Research suggests that the asset management and institutional investment industries are more inclusive for women today, but there is still a lot more progress to be made.
investee company RELX have really stepped up. Drawing on their vast databases and digital publishing expertise, they've helped lawmakers and legal professionals across the world to better understand the legal issues.
This UK stock story introduces UK largest soft drinks manufacturer Britvic.
Castlefield are pleased to support the 'Find it, Fix it, Prevent it' initiative, and commit to working with the CCLA as part of a wider push across the investment industry for corporate action against modern slavery.
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