
In this video, Castlefield partner Simon Holman introduces our latest annual stewardship report and outlines what to expect within the report.

COP28 in Review

December 15/12/2023

In this video, Castlefield's David Gorman reviews the latest UN Climate Conference COP28 and considers if the outcomes aligned with pre-conference expectations. 

In this short video, Castlefield Partner Simon Holman introduces our first Sustainability Review and summarises some of the key points to takeaway.

In this video we summarise some of the key points from our latest annual stewardship report, including positive themes and ESG performance, collaborative engagements and our approach to voting.

A bit about Castlefield

November 28/11/2022

In this video Founder John Eckersley introduces Castlefield and explains about our purpose and how we help clients (and our team) to achieve their personal goals.

Castlefield Annual Symposium 2022

September 28/09/2022

The Castlefield Symposium 2022 featured a keynote presentation from Professor Atul Shah on sustainable finance, followed by a panel discussion around some of the emerging core themes.

In this video Castlefield founder John Eckersley talks through why he set up Castlefield 20 years ago and how the landscape of sustainable and ethical thoughtful investing has changed over this time.

In this short video, Simon Holman from the Castlefield investment team explains what being a signatory of the UK Stewardship Code involves.