CFP Castlefield Sustainable UK Smaller Companies Fund

We believe the CFP Castlefield Sustainable UK Smaller Companies Fund is truly distinctive - some may even say 'unique'. On this page you can find out more about our Sustainable UK Smaller Companies Fund.

The investment philosophy of the CFP Castlefield Sustainable UK Smaller Companies Fund is to harness the long term growth potential of sustainable UK smaller businesses, following our proprietary BEST investment process. Investing in well-managed UK smaller companies that are financially sound, have a distinct and sustainable competitive advantage and are capable of long term growth, we believe we have developed a truly distinctive fund to harness the growth potential of this asset class. 

Lightbulb Blk

High conviction portfolio

Concentrated portfolio of best ideas

Long Term Invest

Integrated responsible investment process

Consideration of non-financial ESG factors alongside financial analysis

Recycle Blk

Focus on sustainable businesses

Aligned to our values

The Sustainable UK Smaller Companies Fund focuses on investing in shares within a portfolio of typically 30 to 50 listed or AIM-quoted UK smaller company shares to achieve capital growth over a period in excess of five years.

To embed proper consideration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors, holdings are selected using our own B.E.S.T investment methodology and subject to our main Screening Policy. This as part of our investment selection process, to ensure that each investment meets our sustainability criteria.

Find out more about sustainable investment and how we evidence our approach to sustainability

The approach of the Sustainable UK Smaller Companies Fund is firmly rooted in investing for a time horizon of at least five years. It is based on our own analysis of company fundamentals, where we aim to identify those Sustainable UK Smaller Companies that can increase their profits - either by accessing a growing niche within a wider industry, having access to superior pricing from technological or market dynamics or by owning assets which we feel are fundamentally undervalued.

The investment process involves a thorough appraisal of a company’s management, a detailed financial review and an assessment of its market position and the competitive environment. For this UK Small Cap Fund we also look to invest in companies that can demonstrate a high level of employee engagement and where employees are encouraged to become shareholders.

Positive Investment Themes

Our stock stories demonstrate how our authentic sustainable approach works in practice.

Learn more about some of the typical holdings in this UK Small Cap Fund and across our sustainable funds, and see which of our positive themes investments contribute to. 

Find out more



Fund Literature (Assessment of Value, KIID, Prospectus, Financial Statements, SID, TMA)

If you’ve read all of the important material listed above and want to make an investment, you can do that on-line, right now, by visiting using the link below:

If you’d prefer a more traditional way to invest, the option exists to complete an application form. Please see the link below.



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Fund Prices

Sustainable Fund Range Screening Policy

Sustainable Funds Quarterly Investment Management Report

Portfolio Holdings