Castlefield Insights Newsletter: Spring 2023

By Nathan Cameron

Springtime brings the hope of bright colourful flowers coming in to bloom and the chance of consecutive days of sunshine. While we can't promise sunshine, in this edition we present a new charity investment advice service, providing support to trustees on their investment duties and responsibilities to ensure their charity is guided through the initial steps.    

For many people, spring is also time of cleansing, for freshening up and marks the end of the tax year. If tax is your thing, there are a few tips you may be interested in reading on the Castlefield financial planning calendar.  

In this edition, you'll also find a few examples to demonstrate the Thoughtful Investor® in practice, including featured stock stories highlighting typical firms we invest in, examples of our research and engagement, along with opinion pieces to raise awareness of issues around diversity, sustainability and inclusion.   

There's also a review of our charitable activities and close-up interview with Castlefield's head of People & Training, plus a Client Corner feature with a published agricultural author.   

View the latest Spring 2023 edition of Castlefield Insights newsletter below or download a pdf version here. 

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