We're in this together

The first of what we hope to be a regular offer of free shares in Castlefield Capital Limited (CCL), to clients of Castlefield Investment Partners LLP (CIP), appears to have been a resounding success. Most clients to whom the shares were offered decided to accept the award in full.  We are set to welcome 61 new (mainly charitable) shareholders as a result. CCL, the holding company of our two operating businesses - discretionary investment manager, Castlefield Investment Partners LLP and personal financial adviser, Castlefield Wealth Management Limited - was specifically created to allow the founding shareholders of Castlefield to broaden the shareholder base and spread hoped-for future success amongst a wider constituency. We've been told variously that this is an 'innovative', 'unique' and generally welcome development. Of course, some clients are still looking for the catch! That said, we're pleased that so many existing clients apparently see the 'vision' and want to be part of a shared future. "Can you afford not to be part of it?" is the mantra we've developed to encompass our overall aim. We hope that the coming years will see all our shareholders agreeing that they did the right thing in joining us for the ride. John