Ongoing Advice Service

This service is designed for clients who, having taken advantage of our Initial Advice Service, wish to establish a closer ongoing relationship with us. Unlike the one-off nature of the Initial Advice Service, this service is intended to be a more proactive, ongoing arrangement. Not only will we help you to make the right financial decisions today, based on your present circumstances, but we’ll also do our best to make sure that you retain sufficient flexibility to react to all of the challenges and opportunities you’ll encounter along the whole of life’s journey.

At the outset we’ll agree with you the range of policies and investments you’d like us to look after and review formally periodically and we’ll explain clearly the costs of this ongoing care and advice. We even offer flexibility regarding how you’d like the service to be delivered and naturally our minimum fees reflect the costs we ourselves incur in delivering the service to you. We’re big fans of technology as a means of engaging with clients efficiently and in reducing our own carbon footprint in the process.

Many of our existing clients take advantage of the proactive, discretionary investment management service we provide ("discretionary" refers to the fact that investment decisions are made at the portfolio manager's discretion) with our experienced investment management and active stewardship team.

By holding the companies in which you’re invested to account, we’ll strive to make sure that they become and remain good corporate citizens. This means that your money really is proactively looked after, not just reviewed every twelve months or so.

Our brochure explains more about the features and benefits of the Ongoing Advice Service and how it fits into our range of services. Our Client Agreement explains more about how we’ll work with you and what the likely one-off costs will be. These can be found in the document library. 

Document Library