Castlefield contributes to Which? article on ethical investment

We were delighted to be asked to contribute to a recent Which? article on ethical investment.

In the article, we commented on the shortcomings of Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) ratings – we consider them to be ‘highly inconsistent, and no substitute for investment managers applying their own analysis to ESG factors’ - and discuss the challenges faced by members of the public who want to invest thoughtfully, but find it hard to navigate the wildly diverse terminology and options available.

The article gives useful pointers for those new to responsible investing, with data demonstrating the ability for ethically-screened funds to outperform unconstrained indices.

It is particularly pleasing to see our BEST Sustainable Portfolio Fund mentioned as providing a balanced investment option, for those who don’t want to invest purely in the shares of companies – you can find out more about the fund here:


As trusted advisers and investment managers, we help our clients make sense of the world of finance, and ensure their investments are not subject to “green washing”.

Read the article here:



We note that by including us in the article, Which? aren’t providing any formal recommendation or endorsement of Castlefield.


Information is accurate as at 20.08.2020. Opinions constitute the authors judgement as of this date and are subject to change without warning. This material may not be distributed, published or reproduced in whole or in part. With investment capital is at risk.
